Freedom on the Open Raod

copyright - Indira by way of Scott Vanatter

copyright – Indira by way of Scott Vanatter

“It’s good to see you dad,” she said squeezing him.

“I’ve missed you so much.” He replied, still embracing her, “How is college?”

“More school I guess. Where have you been? It’s taken you three months to get here from Billy’s house.”

“Well, the Mountains outside Chattanooga took my breath away, as if I was seeing creation for the first time, seeing beauty I was incapable of understanding before.”

“But don’t you miss LA, corporate parties, fancy cars, thousand dollar suits… the money?”

“Are you kidding? I have the freedom of the open road, the tranquility of nature whenever I want it. No, This ol van is all I need. That rat race was killing me!”

Inspired by Friday Fictioneers

Work Press Daily Prompt: No Place Like Home

17 thoughts on “Freedom on the Open Raod

  1. That’ll be my retirement, darling — as long as there’s A/C and a minibar. And a designated driver… and a good stereo… well, maybe it’s ALMOST my retirement.

    • It sounds like you’ll need a tour bus with groupies. I hope you can sing, or act, or impress a talentless reality show recruiter! Thanks for reading.

  2. Pingback: Nomadic Life? Maybe In A Different Age | Black and White Heart

  3. Pingback: Daily Prompt: There’s No Place Like Home | flow of my soul

  4. Pingback: Love is home | Life is great

  5. Pingback: Listening to the little voices in my head: ‘there’s no place like home…’ | 3rdculturechildren

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