The Blood of Remorse



copyright-Kent Bonham

A disturbing murder case was weighing heavily on Jim Delaney’s mind as he walked up his sidewalk.  A sound came from the storage shed. Jim unholstered his pistol, not willing to take any chances after a day like today. He saw movement and instincts took over.

Jim unmasked the bloody body and nearly threw up. Stumbling into the house, he opened a bottle of whiskey. As he drank, he spotted a note:

I finally got you! Meet me at Finnegan’s and we’ll get drunk.

Jim’s pistol fired one last shot, leaving the wall stained with the blood of remorse.


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The above story is my submission to Friday Fictioneers. For those of you that don’t know, Friday Fictioneers is a group of bloggers from around the world who respond to a photo prompt of Rochelle Wisoff-Fields choosing with a story of approximately 100 words. Find more fictioneers here.

Where’s the Pearly Gate

Funny Stories Staircase

Copyright -Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

“Isn’t it supposed to be a pearly gate?” Max asked as they approached the door.

“Oh, now you know everything about this journey.” his guardian angel replied; he had become annoyed with Max’s attitude. “Just open the door.”

“Okay,” Max replied, tugging at the door. “Lucifer,” Max yelled with dismay, “But, But…”

“Gabr-, Gab-,” the guardian angel was laughing so hard he couldn’t get the words out. “Gabriel,” he said as the devilish figure tuned into an angel. “Did you see the look on his face?”

“So, I’m not going to hell?”

“Who knows, we still have to get you to judgment.“

This story is my entry into Friday Ficitoneers.

If you got a laugh out of this make sure you share it on Facebook and Twitter below. Also, I have a lot of funny stories on this site and you can check them out here

A Life of Inspiration


Copyright – Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

She stood admiring her handiwork. Each time she finished a piece, or found just the right artifact to honor her last conquest, a celebration followed with a bottle of Champagne. The shelf was finally full; she was bursting with excitement… and grief. Now what? This was her life’s work, nothing else will fill the void, nothing else could be as exciting, and she didn’t have the energy to start again.

Besides, the trinkets were in no way her true art. The lost souls that inspired each trinket were the prize and now she didn’t have anyone left for inspiration.

This story represents my entry into Friday Fictioneers

Beware of What You Wish For


Copyright – Dawn M. Miller

 “Greg was a great man,” he told her, “he saved my life even though I didn’t deserve it; I would take his place if I could.” She looked up at him, eyes full of sorrow, only capable of tears.

“Greg was staring at this for an hour before we left on that patrol,” he said, pulling a picture frame out of his pocket.  She recognized it from their family vacation, a souvenir from a museum gift shop.

She loved them both before they deployed, her husband never knew. She had prayed he would never find out but this is not what she had in mind.

soldier casket

This is my entry into Friday Fictioneers

Endless Love

It’s a complement after a life lived well, unconditional love given to every being that crossed her path. God smiled on her return, now she gets endless love from the sun and earth.

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Today the Trifecta Writing Challenge threw us for a loop and required a happy story of exactly 33 words. Short prompts like this are always a challenge for me, I hope you enjoy.