One-Way Ticket to Mars

“The hatch is sealed off. This is the only section left,” she told him as she caught her breath.

“One-Way ticket, they were right.” he said, looking down at his feet. “I guess I always thought there would be another ship, something.”

“Sir, we made it further than anyone expected. We’re pioneers, our names will go down in history books.”

“Is that why you came here, to

get your name in a book?” he asked, looking up at her.

“No, I took this trip to hide from my problems on earth. Let’s be honest now that it’s coming to an end. When I found out you were commanding this voyage I knew I had to go, I had to try, I’ve been in love with you since high school… If I had only known.”

“You missed the mark on that one,” he said, attempting to smile.

“So, what do you miss about earth?” she asked.

Short Funny Stories

Copyright – Sunday Photo Fiction

“Sunrise, that magical warm glow. Watching as the sun begin to peek up over the horizon…”

“We’re the LAST man and woman left on this planet,” she interrupted, “I’ve been trying to get with you since I was old enough to think those thoughts… come on something,” she insisted.

“Why is it always that with you?”

Author’s Note: In my mind, everything will be backwards on Mars. Maybe Mars One will find out someday.

Week One: My Happy Money Experiment

For those of you that have not seen the first part of this project, “My Happy Money Experiment,” it’s worth checking out, it will help you understand what is going on here.

I am at the end of week one of “My Happy Money Experiment,” and I am not disappointed. At this point the only thing I can say for sure is that this project has made me think about my relationship with money. Leaving money and a note where someone could find it has really produced some feelings I was not expecting. After just one week it may be too early to tell but there have been some new things coming in, some of these things generate a bit of excitement. I guess they could be circumstantial but the whole process is fun so I don’t think it really matters.

The first day I took two one-dollar bills and put a note on each of them. The note did not vary from the Happy Money eBook’s suggestion: May all your days be filled with happiness, love and Wealth J. If you’re wandering the answer is yes, I always hand drew a happy face at the end.

We had a family trip to the toy store coming up so I knew it would be a target rich environment. I tucked the first dollar/note into a set of baby shoes; I thought that would be a nice message for an expecting couple. After the toy store we went out to eat and I left the second happy dollar under a paper towel in the sink area of the bathroom. Don’t worry I got better at finding places to put the money as time went on. This was more exciting than I thought it would be I really enjoyed it.

I also started looking for things coming into my life, completing the cycle of giving, which is one of the principles the author of Happy Money explained. It didn’t take long before I started questioning things that were probably everyday experiences I had never noticed before. I was amazed at how many things were constantly coming in. Not necessarily cold hard cash but there were certainly things worth being happy for that I never paid attention to before. Let me give an example: my sister-in-law was in town visiting and had accompanied me on a trip to the grocery store, we got to the checkout and she insisted on paying. That has NEVER even come close to happening before.

About day three I was excited enough to add an affirmation to the project. I affirmed: I always have plenty of cash to use as happy money. Later in the week I was down to my last dollar and starting to wander if I would have to hit the ATM to replenish. Later that day I was digging through my junk drawer looking for a flash light so I could fix a tiny bat mobile for a devastated two year old. As I was trudging through the junk I found a twenty-dollar bill. I don’t think that twenty manifested out of thin air but I can guarantee I had no idea it was there. I know this is circumstantial but it sure was a pleasant surprise and I am going to use it for the next week of my experiment.

Looking forward: I am going to get the twenty changed into two five-dollar bills and ten one-dollar bills. I am really looking forward to giving the fives. I can imagine someone getting the five and actually being able to do something with it, one dollar won’t even by a candy bar by itself and giving ones gets me excited.

We’ll see how it goes, but so far I am having fun!

Beware of What You Wish For


Copyright – Dawn M. Miller

 “Greg was a great man,” he told her, “he saved my life even though I didn’t deserve it; I would take his place if I could.” She looked up at him, eyes full of sorrow, only capable of tears.

“Greg was staring at this for an hour before we left on that patrol,” he said, pulling a picture frame out of his pocket.  She recognized it from their family vacation, a souvenir from a museum gift shop.

She loved them both before they deployed, her husband never knew. She had prayed he would never find out but this is not what she had in mind.

soldier casket

This is my entry into Friday Fictioneers

Endless Love

It’s a complement after a life lived well, unconditional love given to every being that crossed her path. God smiled on her return, now she gets endless love from the sun and earth.

* * *

Today the Trifecta Writing Challenge threw us for a loop and required a happy story of exactly 33 words. Short prompts like this are always a challenge for me, I hope you enjoy.

Dance Recital


Copyright: Renee Heath

“Get away from me!” she screamed as she rushed across the street. “I’m going to dance recital and you can’t stop me,” she said hitting him repeatedly in the chest.

“Elin, you haven’t been involved in dance for nearly fourteen years.”

She looked broken as she always did, since the accident she has trouble remembering. Every time she sees the ballet outfit it’s the same scene.

He says she saved his life with her love in the early years. He is determined to return the favor, no matter how many times she hits him.

This story is a response to Friday Fictioneers.