The Cafeteria

“Hey, what are you workin on?” Kathy asked her boyfriend Sam.

“I started that blog you suggested,” he replied.

“Finally!” she said, “Well, can I see.”

“Not yet, I found a writing challenge I am going to try out, I will let you see it when I’m done.”


“Wow, isn’t that amazing,” Pam thought to herself, “it only takes a few tiny ants to carry that M&M. I wish this phenomenon wasn’t happening in the cafeteria though,” her thoughts continued. “If people would clean up after… What is that dude staring at? Is he drawing a picture of me? What else would he be doing with that notepad? Aw and he has his mouth open, weird, I’m out of here! Seriously, I am going to get management.” Without saying a word she walked out, her mind still spinning.


“I hate sitting in this cafeteria it’s awkward,” Sam thought. “Why am I here again? Oh ya I want to win that writing competition, maybe that will impress Kathy. Lunch Posts? Isn’t that just my luck, if they only know what a lame place I work,” Sam thought, fidgeting uneasily.

“I’m supposed to take notes like O’Hara, but there’s never anything going on in this building, especially not in here. I guess I could write about those ants carrying that M&M across the flo… ants gross! Great now this place has gone from lame too nasty. Who am I to complain, I’m just sittin here talking to myself. What would I do if someone walked in anyway? Gawk and write notes, I might as well hang my jaw open and add a little mouth breathing to make sure the situation is perfectly weird. Oh great! Of course someone would walk in right now.”


“Sam, what are you doing in here? We got a report of some pervert drawing pictures of… wait, what are you doing with that notepad? Sam, we may have to write you up on this,” the manager said in a disgruntled tone, not giving Sam a chance to reply. ”Pam from HR wants to file a complaint.”


“Hey Baby,” Kathy said to Sam as he walked in the door. “Did you finish that blog post? I have been waiting all day, I can’t wait to read it.”

The Short Funny Story above is my entry into the Daily Post’s Weekly Writing Challenge.

If you like this try more of my funny stories!

A Life of Inspiration


Copyright – Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

She stood admiring her handiwork. Each time she finished a piece, or found just the right artifact to honor her last conquest, a celebration followed with a bottle of Champagne. The shelf was finally full; she was bursting with excitement… and grief. Now what? This was her life’s work, nothing else will fill the void, nothing else could be as exciting, and she didn’t have the energy to start again.

Besides, the trinkets were in no way her true art. The lost souls that inspired each trinket were the prize and now she didn’t have anyone left for inspiration.

This story represents my entry into Friday Fictioneers

Sally’s Car


Copyright- Roger Bultot

“She was just sitting here crying when I walked up sir. But there is a lot more going on in that women’s head than just concern over her smashed car.”

“Thanks for calling me directly, how much did she tell you?”

“She says she’s been driving drugs into the city for her boyfriend, says the trunk is full of cocaine. She wouldn’t shut up about her husband, said he’s a limp dick loser. She insisted that I call you, that you two were old friends or something. How do you know her sir?”

“I’m her husband.”

Sally, the drugs, and the rookie officer were never seen again.

This story is my entry into Friday Fictioneers.

Dance Recital


Copyright: Renee Heath

“Get away from me!” she screamed as she rushed across the street. “I’m going to dance recital and you can’t stop me,” she said hitting him repeatedly in the chest.

“Elin, you haven’t been involved in dance for nearly fourteen years.”

She looked broken as she always did, since the accident she has trouble remembering. Every time she sees the ballet outfit it’s the same scene.

He says she saved his life with her love in the early years. He is determined to return the favor, no matter how many times she hits him.

This story is a response to Friday Fictioneers.

Just Visiting Family


Copyright – Alastair Forbes

“I was just visiting family,” she thought, “this can’t be happening to me.”

The smell of human feces kept her stomach turning and the constant sickness made it hard to think. She had tried to band the enslaved women together but met defeat leaving two dead and the rest accepting their fate. There had to be a way out, something else she could do.

She heard a crane outside and the conex began to move. A loud noise indicated something went wrong. She felt weightless as the muck from the floor floated around her, never hearing the screams of the other women as they took their final breath before drowning.

Her husband had warned her of the dangers of human trafficking in Eastern Europe; she told him he was paranoid. He waited at the airport for days, refusing to accept her absence. That was a year ago; he still answers every phone call expecting to hear the sound of her voice, devastated every time it’s somebody else.

This story represents my response to Alastair’s Photo Fiction and my entry to the Trifecta Writing Challenge.